2020 Economic & Community Improvement Impact Award

The CREW Network Impact Awards recognize member achievements considered exceptional. The industry-wide awards were announced on a national phone call and CREW Pittsburgh’s very own Dusty Elias Kirk, Partner, of Reed Smith LLP was honored for winning CREW Network’s 2020 Impact Award for Economic and Community Improvement.
Dusty is a catalyst in the $500 million USD redevelopment of the 28-acre Pittsburgh Penguins/Civic Arena site, a project filled with a long memory of the people, businesses and homes displaced during initial construction in the late 1950s. She led a team of real estate attorneys representing the Penguins organization in negotiations with the community groups, governmental agencies and sponsors over a span of 12 years to reach a Community Benefits Agreement to move the project forward.
She was honored at our Annual Wine Tasting and admitted that it was hard to keep quiet about winning the award before it was announced. The perfect photo here was taken by her daughter.