Meet CREW Pittsburgh Member, Brandi Welsch, Massaro Properties!
What role do you play in the commercial real estate industry?
Sales & Leasing Associate at Massaro Properties- covering third-party transactions
How did you get started in your current position?
I am new to Massaro Properties, starting Feb 1, 2022. I rejoined the brokerage side of the business after 3 years in Commercial Real Estate banking. I love having a mix of deal-making and underwriting/development in my current position.
What are your interests and/or hobbies outside of work?
Yoga, running, skiing, watching hockey and football, interior design, home organization and being a ballet and cheer-mom for my 6yo daughter Lena.
Where is your favorite place to go out in Pittsburgh (Strip District, zoo, cultural district, etc.)?
I love love love Altius and the views from Mt. Washington.
What did you learn from your biggest failure?
Learn from it and put it in the rear-view mirror. Move on, there is future success to achieve!
What personal values have shaped your career?
Honesty and integrity are important in every relationship and transaction- Pittsburgh CRE is an especially small network and your reputation is extremely important.
What are you hoping to achieve with your CREW membership?
Broaden my network, learn from others and contribute my insights so everyone can benefit. Knowledge is power.
What is the best professional and/or personal advice you have received and/or given?
It is okay to say “I don’t know” (the answer) and get back to someone after further research/evaluation.
How do you achieve balance between work and home life?
I call it a “work-life blend”. I prioritize work tasks early in the day, delegate where possible and make sure I stay responsive to the things that are most time-sensitive. I’m totally okay with working nights and weekends when necessary if it means being there for something important to my husband and daughter. I also make it a point to take care of myself and recharge- for me it’s a hot yoga session!
Tell us something people may find surprising about you.
I grew up in Tampa, Florida and went to school in Miami, Florida. It shouldn’t be a surprise but I don’t love the months of January and February. I took up skiing to survive the winter doldrums!
Who inspires you and why?
My Dad. He unexpectedly passed away in 2020 but gave the best advice and always did the right thing- a motto I live by today is “What would Rob do?” When I apply that question to any professional or personal issue I’m confident in how to handle it.
Where have you travelled? Where do you wish to travel?
I love traveling, I have family still in Florida and we go to Hilton Head every summer. Outside of the continental US, my favorite places I’ve been are Paris, London and Hawaii. Up next I’d like to travel to Greece, Italy and Prague.
Do you have any pets? What kind(s) and what are their name(s)?
German Sheppard named Kenny- don’t ask my husband named him
Anything else you want us to know about you?
I’m a ULI Women’s Leadership Institute Executive team Member and a on the Board for the BBB of Western Pennsylvania